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Vol. 1, Issue 1, Oct.-Dec. 2023: Journal of Extension Education & Applied Sciences


Prof. R K Doharey

Prof. & Head, Department of Extension Education, ANDUAT, Kumarganj, Ayodhya, UP, India.

Executive Editor

Dr. Satyapriya

Principal Scientist & Head, ICAR-Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi, India.

  • 1. Demographic Profile of Cauliflower Growers in Hardoi District of Uttar Pradesh

    Aman Verma, Adesh Kumar Verma, Gaurav Kumar, Arvind Kumar & Anurag Dixit

    Corresponding author email: vermaaman79825@gmail.com

    Keywords: Landholding, Occupation, Family, Cauliflower etc

    Abstract: The present paper attempts to examine the demographic profile of cauliflower growers in the Hardoi district of Uttar Pradesh, India. The study was conducted in 10 villages with a random selection of 120 respondents. The findings showed (43.33%) of respondents aged between 35-50 years, earning Rs.80000-120000 (32.50%) annually, had marginal landholding (38.33%), and (74.17%) of the cauliflower growers were literate. Concerning farming, 75% of respondents have reported agriculture and allied activities as their main occupation, the maximum no of respondents (44.17%) had pakka houses, (48.20%) were medium family size (5-7members) and (68.45%) were nuclear family type


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  • 2. Constraints Faced By the Gram Panchayat Members in Decision Making In Implementation of MGNREGA Activities and Seek Their Suggestions for Better Decision

    Anurag Shankar Singh, Syed H. Mazhar, Deepak Kumar Bose, Aditya Kumar Singh & Akanksha

    Corresponding author email: anuragshankarsingh16@gmail.com

    Abstract: The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is often hailed as a "Silver Bullet" for addressing rural poverty and unemployment by creating job opportunities for the rural workforce. The Sarpanch or Pradhan plays a crucial role in implementing MGNREGS at the local level, with assistance from Gram Panchayat members. A study conducted in the Hanumanganj block of Ballia district, Uttar Pradesh, aimed to evaluate the challenges faced by gram panchayat members in decision-making related to MGNREGA activities and to gather their recommendations for improvement. The research focused on 21 randomly selected villages within Hanumanganj block, involving 126 respondents (6 from each village). Both primary and secondary data were used for the study, which followed a descriptive research design. Data collection was carried out using a structured interview schedule, and analysis was performed using Garrett’s ranking method with statistical tools. Key issues identified included insufficient wage payments, exploitation of workers by mates, operational issues at the block level, lack of crèche facilities at work sites, and the absence of provisions for skilled and semiskilled labor. To address these problems, recommendations include enhanced auditing, inspection, supervision, and monitoring by higher authorities.

    Keywords: Mgnrega, Descriptive research design, Garrett’s Ranking etc


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  • 3. Constraints Faced in the Usage of ICT Tools by Farmers in Buxar District of Bihar, India

    Jai Prakash1, Alimul Islam & Pradum Maurya

    Corresponding author email: jai.bxr.200@gmail.com

    Abstract: The study investigated into the constraints encounter by farmers while using information and communication technology (ICT) in the Buxar district of Bihar. The study was performed in a purposefully chosen district, and respondents were chosen via proportional random selection. They were given an interview schedule. The acquired data was analysed, and ranks were assigned based on frequency and percentages. One of the primary challenges facing to farmers using ICT tools was the high cost of ICT devices, such as smartphones and computers with 100% and I ranked as I followed by inadequate internet and wifi facilities with (99.17%) and II ranked, insufficient servicing centres of ICTs in villages (98.33%) and III ranked, high cost of servicing charges of ICTs gadgets (97.5%), difficulty comprehending the language of ICT devices (91.67%),lack of supports on ICT gadgets (79.16%), Low degree of education (76.67%) and Unawareness of the advantages of ICTs (66.67%), ICT devices and spare parts are not readily available in local marketplaces (64.16%). The major suggestion were reduce the costs of ICT tools percentage of 99.17% followed by provide subsidies on ICT gadgets was ranked as II with value 99.66 %, Create awareness campaigns about the benefits of ICT technologies 95%.

    Keywords: ICT, Constraint, Information, Communication


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  • 4. Constraints Faced By the Mango Orchardists and Suggest Suitable Measures for Improvement in Meerut District of Uttar Pradesh

    Gaurav Kumar, R.N Yadav, Anurag Shankar Singh, Arvind Kumar, Ritesh Singh & Aman Verma

    Corresponding author email: kumargaurav1993@gmail.com

    Abstract: The goal of the study was to evaluate the current situation of mango orchardists in the Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh. To identify the challenges faced by mango orchardists and recommend appropriate improvements. The Meerut district consists of 12 community development blocks, of which two were specifically chosen based on the demand for and accessibility of mango orchardists. Based on the greatest possible area and output. With the assistance of progressive orchardists and the village Pradhan, 10 orchardists were randomly chosen from each of the selected villages, making a total sample size of 80 orchardists for the inquiry. The technologically gap in adoption of recommended technologies by mango orchardists upon various factors as well as constraints faced by them. Constraints refer to the item of difficulties faced by mango orchardists in actual adoption of mango production technology. It may be seen that altogether 10 constraints were faced by the mango orchardists in the adoption of mango production technology in the study area, the Lack of information about suitable inter crops. Unavailability of improved varieties in government nursery. Testing laboratory is not available.

    Keywords: Adoption, Crop production, Technologies, Trainee and Non-trainee.


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  • 5. Relationship between Socio-economic Status and Knowledge about Millets Farming Practices in Prayagraj and Bhadohi District of Uttar Pradesh

    Pradum Maurya, Alimul Islam, Jai Prakash & Vipin Kumar Maurya

    Corresponding author email: mauryapradum221401@gmai.com

    Abstract: The current study was conducted mainly with objective to determine the Relationship between Socio-economicstatus and knowledge about millets farming practices inPrayagraj and Bhadohi districts of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. Thestudy was done three in blocks: Manda and Uruwa in Prayagraj, and Deegh in Bhadohi district. Four villages were selected from each block which involved a total of 120 millets growers. Data gathering was carried out through personalized interviews and aided by a well-developed questionnaire. We used the coefficient of correlation 'r' to analyze the interaction between millets growers and their knowledge practices.The study concluded that the majority of respondents were in the middle age group (58.34%), high school and intermediate level education (43.33%), and 51.67% population belonged to other backward class, and 68.34% were belonging to the farming experiences. found the relationship between socio-economic characteristics with level of knowledge of millets grower’s caste, farming experience, mass media exposer and extension contact were positively and significant. Its need to Government should provide more information about millets to the farmer through fairs, training and campaigning, etc.

    Keywords: Millets, Knowledge, Farming, Practices.


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  • 6. Study on Assessing the Socio-economic Characters of Banana Growers in Vaishali District of Bihar

    Amrit Warshini, A. A. Raut & D.K. Jaiswal

    Corresponding author email: amritwarshini1312@gmail.com

    Abstract: In terms of area and production, bananas are the top crop in India, with Bihar coming in at number seven. Bihar cultivars include Dwarf Canvendish, Alpan, Chinia, Chinichampa, Malbhog, Muthia, and Kothia. Banana cultivation is well-known in the Vaishali district and the ganga basin region. A total of 135 respondents from seven villages in the Bidupur and Hajipur blocks of the Vaishali District of Bihar were taken in the study and well- structured interview schedule is used to collect data. A correlation was found between the growers' profile and their knowledge and implementation of banana producing technology. The majority of the farmers (66%) had a medium degree of general knowledge about the technology recommended for producing bananas, according to the data. The results shows that most of the farmers were in the age group of 35 -55 years (57.00%) and 36.29 percent of banana growers had completed their higher secondary education with 7 to 27 years of banana cultivation experience (62.00%). Sample farmers largely live as joint family type (71.12%) whereas majority of banana growers (44.00%) had land holdings from 1.01 ha to 2 ha. And earn their living from banana cultivation, with 73.34 percent in the medium income group i.e. Under (Rs. 55,398 to Rs.3,61,348). Extension agents and agricultural scientists may have increased banana production by regularly visiting, educating, and advising growers. It is suggested to conduct number of training programs, tour visits and exhibition to increase the awareness about banana exports and production.

    Keywords: Socio-economic characters, Small and marginal farmers, Knowledge, Banana growers.


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